Helix Courier Limited Employees and Brokers are required to not discuss any personal customer information, or delivery specifics with any outside source.
We retain information about customers as necessary for business purposes, and as required by government regulation. The data is restricted to Helix Courier's database. For users of our Internet Ordering system, each customer’s specific delivery database cannot be accessed by any other customer. We retain information about deliveries, including names and addresses, so that we can provide proof of delivery as needed. We carefully dispose of records and delete information when our internal retention periods expire. Your continued use of our services and Web Site signifies your assent to our Privacy Policy.
Each Broker sub-contracting to Helix signs a Broker Agreement which assures adherence to our Customer Privacy Policy
Customer Privacy Policy.
Main Contact Email (required)
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Shipper/Receiver Name (if different from Main Contact)
Shipper/Receiver Email
Accounts Payable Email (required)
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Company Name
Shipping Address
City / Town
Postal Code
Phone Number